
'The Go-To' For Healthy Minds in North Yorkshire

A new accessible page aimed at young people with SEND

  • Posted On: 19 April 2023
  • Author: Stefanie Cappleman
  • Number of views: 183
'The Go-To' For Healthy Minds in North Yorkshire

Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board and North Yorkshire County Council, have launched the Go-To, a new accessible page aimed at young people with SEND. The page aims to ensure that young people with special educational needs and disabilities are aware of some of the common mental health difficulties and things they can try or places they can go to get support.

The page offers two downloadable easy read resources (developed using Widgit symbols) which have been coproduced by professionals from both healthcare and local authority as well as young people with SEND. These easy read guides are designed to be understood by young people who may find it hard to read current mental health websites and leaflets, to ensure every young person in North Yorkshire has access to support for their mental health.

To view the page and downloadable resources please visit: I'm a young person Easy Read - The Go-To (

Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board and North Yorkshire County Council are slowly rolling out the materials with the aim of fully launching the page in conjunction with Mental health Awareness Week from 15 – 21tMay 2023. 

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